
Training Aid


Moody Mare Formula

Harmony supports the normal hormonal balance of your mare.

Harmony supports the seasonal and behavioral variation that may affect some mares and adversely influence their temperament and performance.

Harmony is a rapidly absorbed fast acting liquid extract. It contains only rich concentrated plant extracts, with no added fillers such as cider vinegar or honey.

Harmony contains pure tinctures of Chaste Tree (Vitex agnus-castus), Schisandra (Schisandra chinensis), St. Johns Wort (Hypericum perforatum) and Licorice (Glycyrrhiza glabra).

Like all our products these tinctures are at a strength of 1:2 ; the strongest concentration available to the equine market.

James Hart Solutions 'Harmony' helps mannerless Molly.

She may be a cute 13.1hh Welsh Section C by winter but, come spring and Molly's manners vanish.

Owner, Clare Holding explains, "I've had her from six months old and started to break Molly in last year. She's been lovely but then, just before spring, she lost all ability to respect me. She was bolshy, dragging me to and from the field, head-butting me, and using her shoulders to push past me."

Clare's trainer, Yvonne Moran, is sponsored by Equus Health representative, Sue Williams, and so she asked Sue for something to help.

Sue suggested James Hart Solutions' natural remedy, Harmony.

Clare says, "Harmony rescued me", adding, "I don't know what they put in it but it's good - the naughty little monkey in Molly mellowed within a week."

In liquid form to aid speed of action the principle ingredient, Chaste Berry, should help regulate a mare's cycling over a three month course. Schisandra is also included to support liver function and hence control the balance of circulating hormone levels. Licorice to assist with adrenal exhaustion or dysregulation and finally, for a happier horse, Hypericum is included for its ability to increase endorphin and serotonin levels to reduce mood swings.

Although not suited for pregnant mares, typically Harmony will re-regulate hormone levels over a three month course and is suited for longer term use as desired.

Clare says, "A £20 bottle lasts Molly a month and it is so worth it, I might leave Molly on it all the time."

"Harmony is working extremely well with my mare, she is a positive saint now, and the effect started after 24 hours, can hardly believe it."
Mary, Bucks

"We have had excellent results with our pony using Harmony. She is not nearly as grumpy and marish when in season now."
Many thanks
Wendy Lansdown

"I recently purchased Harmony in desperation as my young mare seemed to be permanently showing in season to anyone and everything, mares and geldings! I cannot believe the difference, within a few days she was no longer showing and after 2 weeks seemed to go into a normal cycle of showing for about 4 days and then nothing again. It definitely seems to have done the trick!!"
Jackie Round, UK.