Specific Aid
Hairy Pony
Chaste Berry for non shedding hairy older horses and ponies
Cushy Life has had excellent results with older horses and ponies who struggle to shed their coats when the seasons change.
Cushy Life contains Chaste Berry which is used to sustain normal hormonal activity. It particularly provides nutritional support for the pituitary gland and endocrine system.
Cushy Life can be used to support normal hormonal activity in mares, stallions and geldings and is particularly helpful in supporting excessively hairy horses and ponies.
Cushy Life is a rapidly absorbed fast acting liquid extract. It contains only rich concentrated plant extracts, with no added fillers such as cider vinegar or honey.
Cushy Life contains a pure tincture of Chaste Berry (Vitex agnus castus).
Like all our products these tinctures are at a strength of 1:2 ; the strongest concentration available to the equine market.
"I have a 28yr old ArabxConnamara Gelding, Cushings not proved with blood tests mild show of systems, has suffered mild laminitis frequently, but not at the moment. He will not move and is very stiff at the moment."
6 weeks on using herbal supplementation :
"Just thought I would let you know, a month on, and my 28 year old monster is stomping around the field, bossing everyone, sneaking into the feed room, and destroying my fencing this week, he has lost 10 years this last month. I have used the high dose you suggested and it has no effect on his stomach at all. The only effect on his body is his coat..............which could rival a polar is coming out by the handful, and tonight he stood there pulling faces of pure joy as I pulled out a huge pile!!!
Thank you, thank you, thank you.............if I found him dead in the field tomorrow his last week would have been a fantastic week, although I'm hoping I have him around for another 10 years at least......... I Intend to keep up the high dose of Cushy Life and Devil's Claw Flex.
Thank you again, this has achieved more success in 6 weeks than I have had with vets in the past 16 years........."
Mellisa Hall, Hampshire