
This is one easy herb to grow, but be sure to get the right species. The one that is used medicinally is Calendula officinalis. Stay clear of any of the hybridised varieties. The one you want is orange with a darker centre. Good specialist seed merchants should have the correct varieties of medicinal plants available, or failing that talk to your nearest Herbalist.

Calendula is a delight to have in the garden. It is very easy to grow.. even for those without green fingers. One of the most useful things to do with Calendula is to make an infused oil. It is fantastic for aiding healing of all sorts. Cuts, even those that are quite severe, grazes, abrasions, rubs and rope burns all respond well.

Calendula Oil is also quite easy to make. Harvest the flowers in full bloom. Generally about midday is good. It is important to dry them well or your oil may ferment. Spread the flowers out to dry; out of the sun but in a dry and well ventilated area. A kitchen dehydrator is particularly good and means that you can keep going through the winter as well. Make sure you keep the temperature below 30C. Once the blooms are quite dry put into a jar and cover with olive oil or another oil of your choice. Push the flowers down hard but make sure they are covered in oil. Leave them in a cool, dark place for a few weeks or until the oil is bright orange. Drain off the oil, press the flowers if you can, filter the oil and bottle it. It is ready to use.